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인사의 말 - Mette Barfod

Introducing Ark Journal x Kinfolk

Introducing Ark Journal x Kinfolk

인사의 말

한국의 독자 여러분,

아크저널의 편집장으로서, 킨포크 매거진과 함께 아시아 독자들을 위한 미래의 컬러버레이션을 알려드리게 되어 기쁩니다. 저는 꽤 오랫동안 이 협업을 기대하고 있었습니다. 아크저널은 한국에서 제일 먼저 킨포크와 함께 온라인으로 컨텐츠를 제공하여 더 쉽고 다이내믹한 방법으로 독자들에게 다가가고자 합니다.

코펜하겐에 본사를 둔 아크저널은 건축, 디자인과 예술을 찬미하는 매거진으로, 스칸디나비아적 가치관과 미학의 본질을담아 우리 주변의 공간 그리고 그안에 둔 물건(object)과 그를 만드는 사람들을 탐구합니다. 아크저널은 좋은 발상과 재질, 정직하면서도 발명적인 디자인을 칭송하며 비평적인 토론을 도모합니다. 아크저날은 매 Volume 마다, 퍼스널 나레티브와 철학을 표현하여 그 안에 거주하는 사람들의 삶에 영향를 미치는 세계 곳곳의 비범한 Home들을 방문합니다. 아크저널은 건축을 핵심 주제로, 그 인본주의적 면모를 반영하고 촉감과 개성있는 측면을 기리므로써 건축이 우리 삶에 미치는 폭넓은 배경을 조망하고자 합니다.


2021년 7월 

Mette Barfod

아크저널 편집장


Dear Korean readers

As Editor-in-Chief at Ark Journal I am delighted to announce a future collaboration with Kinfolk for our Asian readers, a collaboration that I have looked forward to for some time. Ark Journal takes one step further by being part of the digital version of Kinfolk in Korea. A new way to offer our Korean readership even more content in a dynamic and easy way.

Ark Journal is a Copenhagen based magazine celebrating architecture, design and art. Capturing the essence of Scandinavian values and aesthetics, the magazine aims to explore the spaces around us, the objects we put in them and the people who make them. Ark Journal celebrates good ideas, materials, honest and inventive design, and encourages critical debate. Each volume visits extraordinary homes around the world that express the personal narratives, philosophies and influences of those that reside within. By placing architecture at the core, Ark Journal wants to consider its broader context in our lives, reflecting a more humanistic side and celebrating its tactility and individual dimensions.



July, 2021

Mette Barfod


kinfolk.kr은 사용자의 요구에 맞춘 웹사이트 구조화, 웹사이트 트래픽 분석 및 맞춤형 광고 노출을 위해 쿠키를 사용합니다. 자세한 내용은 자사쿠키 정책을 참고하십시오. kinfolk.kr을 계속 사용하시려면 "동의하기"를 눌러 진행하십시오.